
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Scanning 35mm with a DSLR

This week I had the craziest idea...well to be honest I have crazy ideas all the time!
"I'll use the DSLR with macro to scan 35mm film!"
At first I thought it was genius and a never attempted idea...but the internet proved me wrong once again:
There are even guys who have created automated systems for it, but I decided to do something a little more low tech.
I used some paper clips, a paper support to elevate the film, desk light, tripod and a 50mm lens on extension tubes.

Post processing was just inverting the color, desaturating, adjusting levels and removed dust spots. I used a picture that had lots of sky on it because it was the best way to know how mutch dust I'd get on the process.
But after scanning the original print I realized that part of that dust was already from the picture itself.
What surprised me the most was that I got more with and height from my macro shots then the original printed picture.

I also found something in the back of the print that was quite common then and I kind of miss it in this new digital era, in the back of the picture was handwiten by my wife “Vila Praia de Ancora 14 Fevereiro 2003” it was only then that I remembered that beautiful sunny valentine's day.

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