
Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Bug - "(loosely) any insect or insect like invertebrate."

As a software engineer,  I'm used to hear the word Bug all the time, only in a different context "Informal. A defect or imperfection, as in a mechanical device, computer program, or plan; glitch"
Although they are from very different realities, computers and Arthropod are so similar in many ways...
...and modern mechanics and robotics seam to mimic this animal phylum.
All my life I've been fascinated by science fiction, especially the Cyberpunk scene, the picture above is Tachikoma, an A.I. spider like multi-legged combat vehicles from one of my favorite fictional universe Ghost in the Shell.

It's so weird when reality start catching up with fiction.

But getting back to taking pictures, bugs are one of my favorite subjects, although it's not an easy task and requires special macro techniques and equipment, I quite enjoy it.
Unfortunately most people don't seam to enjoy it that much and some are even repulsed by the sight of spider pictures.
I can't understand why, they are such wonderful creatures.
I'll keep taking pictures of them and tagging then just in case there are some bug fans out there!

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